Tasting Notes: Red grape, cherry, almond, dark chocolate, full-bodied
Tasting Notes: Red grape, cherry, almond, dark chocolate, full-bodied
Tasting Notes: Red grape, cherry, almond, dark chocolate, full-bodied
PRODUCER || Various Smallholder Producers
COUNTRY || Colombia
REGION || Various Regions in Colombia
VARIETAL || Caturra, Typica, Castillo, and Colombia
PROCESS || Fully washed and dried in the sun
ELEVATION || 1300 - 1650 masl
In Colombia, the majority of coffee production occurs on small, family-owned farms where farmers act as both stewards and innovators, customizing their farm management and post-harvest processes to suit their unique landscapes. However, to navigate the global market and secure fair prices, these farmers rely on strong partnerships. The Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC) plays a pivotal role in this regard, organizing a network of regional cooperatives that offer essential logistical support. From centralized warehouses for storing dried parchment to specialized dry mills that meticulously prepare coffee for export based on size, these cooperatives ensure consistency and quality. The Excelso designation is reserved for beans meeting stringent size standards, often sourced from distinct regions of Colombia with their own distinct harvest periods, ensuring a steady supply of fresh Colombian Excelso coffee year-round.